Parishioners are asked to please take a tag from the Giving Trees found at the entrances of the Church.
We try to give each child, 16 or younger, a complete outfit along with a few of their wants and needs. All the families that benefit from this drive live in Billerica. Currently we have 95 children within 35 families signed up for aid, with additional families likely.
The financial need of each family is confirmed. Please return your gifts, unwrapped by the December 7-8 weekend. Any gift cards are greatly appreciated and should include the dollar amount written on the gift card or tag.
In addition, if you are unable to attend Mass and would still like to contribute to the Giving Tree, we would appreciate any monetary donation you feel you are able to make. Monetary donations should be made out to St. Vincent de Paul with Giving Tree on the memo line. To ensure all donors will be sent a confirmation letter in December, please mark Attn: Chris Kilburn on the envelope. All monetary donations need to be received at the Parish Office by December 8th. Thank you for your continued support and prayers for this important ministry.